Hight Quality Swiss Movement Fake Cartier Watches For Sale | Online Replica Watch Shop

Fake Cartier Watches

Shakudo, the latest masterpiece from the Swiss luxury watchmaker's Villaret Series, has been introduced. The Baselworld 2015 show is where this unique novelty will be unveiled.

Fake Cartier Watches les Metiers d'Art Villaret Shakudo comes from an atelier that is skilled in watchmaking craftsmanship. Engravers and enamelists have demonstrated their skills on shakudo. Shakudo, a copper-gold alloy, can take on a patina that ranges from blue to black depending on its texture and composition. It is a Japanese alloy that was originally used for katana fittings, and other ornaments.

Shakudo looks like bronze because it contains a lot of copper,Fake Cartier Watches but after a special heating and patination process, the alloy gets its dark blue-violet color, which is similar to lacquer. The solution called rokusho, which is used to patinate is based on green gray copper acetate. It turns indigo black when used on an alloy made of copper and gold.

Fake Cartier Watches is available in four versions. According to the manufacturer, they will all be unique as each one will reflect the artisan’s individual style of engraving and rokusho patina.

The first Shakudo watches dial depicts an image of Ganesh.IWC Replica Watches His elephants head makes it easy to recognize him. Ganesh, for Hindus is the God of victory over obstacles. He is the God of intelligence, wisdom, and prudence, and patron of the arts and sciences. Ganesh's throne is a gold one that has been hand-engraved in the middle of the Hindu patterns.

This piece is a fine example of Damascene. The ornaments are very detailed. This technique involves creating troughs on the dial surface, into which gold threads are painstakingly hammered. Then, they were manually engraved.

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