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A geing, G ender, A ndrology & S exual (Sciences) S ociety of I ndia

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 • Welcome message - Minister of State, Ministry of Women & Child Dev. (GOI)
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Sex is Not a Four-Letter Word
Sex is Not a Four-Letter Word
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December 1-3, 2006
Hilton Towers, Mumbai, India.
Personal invitation from the Organizing Chairman
Dear Colleagues,

It is my proud privilege to invite you to the APSSM-AGASSI Conference. This will be a momentous occasion because it is the first time that the more than two decades old APSSM is coming to the Indian sub-continent. It is also the inaugural conference of India's new society, AGASSI. Among other disciplines, AGASSI brings together scientists from different sub-speciality areas in sexual medicine. This is an encouraging first in this part of the world. The scientific program will feature many eminent dignitaries and opinion leaders from all over the world. Besides this, India, one of the oldest civilizations on earth, will provide a new travel opportunity to many of you. Mumbai, its most vibrant city, is well connected to most countries in the world, and has already played host to many international meetings. It is also a great hub for connections within India.

On behalf of the entire organizing team, I welcome all of you to the APSSM-AGASSI Conference.

Sudhakar Krishnamurti
Organizing Chairman

Congress Secretariat:
Andromeda Andrology Center
First Floor; Topaz: Greenlands Rd.,
P. O. Box 1563, Hyderabad 500 082 AP, INDIA
Phone: + (91 40) 2340 2430, 2341 6402
Fax: + (91 40) 2340 5096
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